We headed out early for a catamaran cruise through the Ultima Esperanza Fjord. The weather started blustery and a little rainy but improved somewhat throughout the day. We visited the beautiful Serrano Glacier for about an hour. It was amazing how the weather turned warmer and less windy at the observation point.
Ultima Esperanza Fjord Cruise
Serrano Glacier
After our visit, we went to the Estancia Perales for lunch before resuming our cruise and returning to our hotel.
We attended a lecture on the history of Patagonia. Isolated by Argentina, the Patagonia region was initially inhabited by multiple nomadic indigenous peoples. It was visited by the explorers Magellan and Ladrilleros in the 1500’s and by Charles Darwin in 1831-36. Puerto Arenas became a free port in 1889, with a large immigration wave from 1890 to 1973 and subsequently followed by tourism.
Our day ended with a wine-pairing dinner featuring traditional Chilean wines and dishes.
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